So umh something funny came up after he left A thought of.. anytime of our seconds.. breath.. we have to be thankful Cause you just never know.. You know.. Never... Never ever crossed my mind..that what you were facing then.. turned out to be the greatest time of your life.. until it's gone.. until it's gone.. But with God in my heart and my family and my friends stand by me... Mereka yg selalu ngingetin saya untuk ga pernah nyalahin siapa pun mereka yang selalu ngingetin saya untuk selalu fokus ke solusi Solusi dan solusi bukan masalahnya bukan orangnya bukan apa pun itu tapi selalu menjalani hidup dengan benar.. Alhamdulillaah Alhamdulillaah Alhamdulillaah ya Allah For whatever you gave me.. you give me.. for everything that I will never ever can .. I can't.. I just.. can't.. Insya Allah we will get thru this.. we will get thru this.. We will get thru this.. I gotta be hard I gotta be tough I gotta be stronger I go...
This is a blog about everything. My family, life, mostly about life. Feel free to read..