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Cosmetics Madness

Gue masih terobsesi ama kosmetik..

Kemaren finally semua barang yang gue order udah dateng, they are:

1. NARS Orgasm powder blush 2. NYX Lipstick
3. ghd IV Styler, well ini bukan kosmetik tapi kan fungsinya tetep 'mempercantik' gue hahaha
4. Maybelline Lipstick
5. Za Lipstick
6. The Body Shop Loose Powder
7. Make Up Forever Face & Body foundation
8. Kuas2 The Body Shop
9. Kuas MUS
10. Pensil mata putih Wardah
11. Maybelline gel eyeliner
12. Elf eye curler
13. Urban Decay Naked Palette
14. Kuas2 ga jelas beli di Riau Junction

Hmmm apalagi yaaa..

Yup kayanya itu doang, every single one of them makes me broke :((

Gak deng, maksudnya semuanya kalo di total bikin bangkruut!!

But again katanya kan dandan itu ibadah biar suami seneng..

Unfortunately, I thought my belanjaan udah semua dibeli, but guess what? Gue butuh skin care like really bad..

Big pores, kulit kering, keriput di sana sini.. *sigh*

Rencana gue sih kalo skin care beres, baru deh belanja2 :D

Let's hope there's something out there that'll work for me..for my skin


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