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Showing posts from September, 2012

Sepotong no good..

My mom in law loves Blackforest cake... yes that chocolate sponge cake splurge with lots of black cherry can syrup and black cherries, whip cream and lots lots of chocolate. And since my last black forest cake is.. I thought-not really great, this time for my husband's birthday I decided to stick to Kartika Sari's black forest cake which I heart most. Well they don't sprinkle their sponge cake with black cherry syrup, but still, they taste really good *gulp* Unfortunately, my mom in law didn't think so. She said it's too soft. She said black forest cake should be dense and nothing but soft. So I went like.."really...?" Ah well, I might make another cake for her..

How HD says it..

Me: Ferrari HD: Ciawi! Me: Airplane! HD: Kapal kapal kapal!!!! Me:  Car! HD: Mooooobiiil!!! Moooobil!! *ran to the garage to find the car* Me: Girafe! HD:  Jujuuuuu! Me: Double Decker Bus! HD:  Jujubas!! Me:  Parachute! HD: Sut sut! Me: Train !! HD:  Nyomaaas!! Nyooomas!! *He thought it was Thomas the tank engine +_+ * Hahahahha I love you son!

Jakarta Jakarta

I couldn't agree more that most of Jakarta people, or Jakartans or perhaps The Jack people are more.. straightforward, almost ignorant or perhaps pure selfish in term of.. everything.  I definitely agree. I've lived there for a very long time (as least that's what I feel) and during that time, I find myself easily being caught up in a situation where I feel like a monster in me came out! Like I can swear or pausing myself from being a humble person, just because the people I was facing is a crazy snobbish one. I was a lot like Jakartans too.. And one day my boss decided to transferred me to Bandung. I was in a shock. Everything moves very slowly here.. I was fast. Too fast. Impatient and all that. People here are actually throw a smile. They do say thank you and good morning, how are you today.. with sincere smile. I was that person, but since Jakarta was so...contagious.. I became the person who is.. everything I'm not. My husband, who was finally taught me a lot...

Rooooot Root

So umh... you really have to think like very careful when you want to root your android. Better leave it to an expert or perhaps half expert as you are. Just don't... don't root your Android...all by yourself, counting only on some printed material that you just got ..from (where else??) google. Really. Think again. Not worth it. I didn't. I didn't do the rethink, I mean. I did the rooting. Just not the thinking. And yeah, my Android was like... dead. Well half dead. You can actually turned it on, and turned it off. But you just can't operated it. It's like a zombie. A stupid zombie. I made it into a stupid zombie. Stupid me. I finally took it to the half expert. My husband told me that I should just go to the authorized dealer instead and have them fix. Everything will be alright in the right hands, he said. But since my butt has already sat on the store, BEC store, and the guy looks kinda expert. So I went on. He said, I probably could set it right for l...


Android rooting is in progress... Ikutan dari sini: HP Andro gue ZTE N880... bismillaah... hope it works..

Make Up For Ever Shade

Shade sculpting kit (no 2) Shade Face & Body Foundation: 32


Let's see 1. Urus Jamsostek 2.Urus IF 3. Urus Lemburan 4. Urus Paduan Suara 5. Jangan lupa makan 6. Cari makan yang murah 7. Put down that phone, and don't calll McD! 8. Ayo pegi cari makan sekarang! 9. Pantatnya berat yah? Kok gak berangkat-berangkat?? 10. Pasti pantatnya terdiri dari besi dan baja 11. Udah ah cape


I do feel guilty neglecting your "must done" item but it's not like you're the number one person here that has to do everything right and never done any mistake not just once or twice you neglecting my message, remember? Oh don't be a bitch and move on

Kabar Buruk..

Seorang temen baek nyampein kabar buruk tentang perusahaan ke gue.. Kabar buruk yang bikin gue makin aware bahwa banyak banget hal-hal yang gak abadi.. we have to prepare for the worst..of all.. Udah kepikiran sih biar survive mau bisnis apa. Tapi kayanya agak-agak keduluan temen juga.. Hggghhhh hggghhh

Dokter dokterrr

Masih dalam usaha pregnant yang kedua...tadi sore gue ke dokter Mulya lagi. Seperti biasa, tergopoh-gopoh lari-lari, soalnya udah jam 4. Registrasi Dokter Mulya cuman ampe jam 4, udah gitu langsung tutup deh. Alhamdulillah perjalanan lancar jayaaa. Cuman pas mu ngambil duit buat bayar angkot, gue baru nyadar kalo duit ketinggalan (dompet bawa, tapi ga ada duit ratusan, adanya 2000an. Alhamdulillaah gue pikir. Untung masi ada duit 2000 an, kalo ga ada? Masa mu gesek? Gesek ke pintu?? Keekkekk. Akhirnya setelah registrasi, gue ambil duit di atm, trus sholat Ashar. Yiiiiihaaaa gue sholat gitu loh! Alhamdulillaah....moga2 ga musiman (ini yang agak diragukan +_+ ) Sebenernya sih gara-gara liat ibu2 hamil, bawa anaknya bedua. Cantik banget juga sih (sirik) tapi glowing gitu..yaaa namanya juga lagi hamil kali yah.. lanjuutt...nahh dia pamit  sholat ke suaminya, padahal penampilannya kaya yang ga pernah sholat (kakaakakakak sirikk), becanda deeeng. Trus tiba2 tergeraklah hat...


And so... udah beberapa hari ini gue jualan barang2 bekas gue. Mulei dari stroller (maclaren), make up (make up forever, nars, ysl), sepatu sampe blackberry 3G Curve gue... Yang gue ga nyangka, ternyata blackberry paling banyak peminatnya. Hehehe...malah make up yang jarang.... Oh ya, pelurus rambut babyliss gue juga dah laku, thank god... Semangat untuk free from debt life!!!!