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Jakarta Jakarta

I couldn't agree more that most of Jakarta people, or Jakartans or perhaps The Jack people are more.. straightforward, almost ignorant or perhaps pure selfish in term of.. everything.  I definitely agree. I've lived there for a very long time (as least that's what I feel) and during that time, I find myself easily being caught up in a situation where I feel like a monster in me came out! Like I can swear or pausing myself from being a humble person, just because the people I was facing is a crazy snobbish one.

I was a lot like Jakartans too..

And one day my boss decided to transferred me to Bandung. I was in a shock. Everything moves very slowly here.. I was fast. Too fast. Impatient and all that. People here are actually throw a smile. They do say thank you and good morning, how are you today.. with sincere smile. I was that person, but since Jakarta was so...contagious.. I became the person who is.. everything I'm not.

My husband, who was finally taught me a lot of things about kindness, warmness, sincerity and politeness..
I've grown again.. I'm a very much different people right now.. it's kinda easy to left from that.. something that is actually not yourself from the beginning..

I started to smile again.. to like everyone. I even know my neighbor's name!! That's right! I never knew my neighbor's name. Like, ever. I sent gifts to anyone whose child had a birthday. I thank the security. I smile at strangers. Well, by strangers I mean those who live near my house but I don't really know. I can say, I am a far much better and warmer person again.. the one I used to be..

And today.. I realize.. that my friend, whom I know really well in Jakarta, who always greet me with warm welcome and talk to me like I was their sister... now they talk to me like I was.. well, no one. Just work partner. No more chit chat, nothing more nothing less Perhaps they experience what I had years ago. Perhaps they couldn't be themselves anymore. Perhaps Jakarta has forced them too much, that they need to build a strong, thick, walls of ignorance to face everything. Including me.

Ah, sadness..

Used to be:

S: hai N, how are you?? I miss you!!! Do you know K? She is a biatch! Now she was like all bossy!! You won't believe what just happened here!! And how are you? How's life??

Me: I miss you too!!! Bla...bla...bla...


Me: hai S, how are you? listen, sorry if I bother you, but could you get X to call me? I tried to reach him but it was kinda hard, I guess he was busy. You still sit next to him right? Is he around? Please let me know okay? Thank youuuu!


Yup, as I said,  sadness..

I just hope Jokowi  can warm up a little Jakartans heart. They need a little smile and kindness :)


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