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Rooooot Root

So umh... you really have to think like very careful when you want to root your android. Better leave it to an expert or perhaps half expert as you are. Just don't... don't root your Android...all by yourself, counting only on some printed material that you just got ..from (where else??) google.

Really. Think again. Not worth it. I didn't. I didn't do the rethink, I mean. I did the rooting. Just not the thinking.

And yeah, my Android was like... dead. Well half dead. You can actually turned it on, and turned it off. But you just can't operated it. It's like a zombie. A stupid zombie. I made it into a stupid zombie. Stupid me.

I finally took it to the half expert. My husband told me that I should just go to the authorized dealer instead and have them fix. Everything will be alright in the right hands, he said. But since my butt has already sat on the store, BEC store, and the guy looks kinda expert. So I went on. He said, I probably could set it right for like an hour or so. So for an hour or so, I looked for some brunch and got myself some books, well got HD some books. After I got back. Guess what? Yup, the Android is still the same and the guy gave up. He told me to go to the upstairs where his mate can help out with the problem. He's more like.. almost expert guy. Since his store was a lot more convincing then earlier store I went to, I sat there for another hour. And started to think:  I should've listen to my husband.

And yes, I should, the guy can't fixed the Android. It still.. pretty much dead.

Alright then, I told myself to go to the authorized dealer, instead. No more half expert or.. .almost expert. Just expert. And after (another!!) hour of waiting... the Android came alive!!!

Wise words:  listen to your husband and don't listen to google


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