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Paduan Suara TELKOMGroup Kontingen Jabar II/Jawa Barat II

I haven't share the video here:

We won!!!!!! Menaang!! :D

I know it's late, whatever

WE WOOOOOON!!! Hehehehe alhamdulillaah..

This is the video we sent to join the TELKOMGroup Choir Competition One Soul One Spirit 2012 held by TELKOM.

We made it to the final with this video.

Related video:
Jayalah TELKOM
Always The Best

The competition means a lot to me personally.. way too personal actually..

Biggest thank you:

ALLAH SWT... for everthing... everything.. everything...

Pak Tim for bringing out THE BEST IN ME, for believe in me, for never saying that I'm a bad singer, for make me believe that: I CAN DO IT, WE CAN DO IT! and for bringing us to the top of the mountain (PAS DI PANGGUNG SAYA BENER2 NGEBAYANGIN LAGI DI ATAS GUNUNG)

Ibu Sortha for that precious phone call... without that precious phone call I wouldn't even be here.. for believe in me, for always make me feel comfortable



Dian for everthing and for mulut bawelmu yang slalu curhat and want me back to join the choir *big big hugs* (tong ceurik deui nya neng, pan tos meunang hihihihihi)

Ibu Tantri for banyak tumpangan dan slalu membahagiakan kami-kami dengan tingkah-tingkah dan celotehan ibu yang bisa dibilang: "SANGAT ELEGAN" (SEKARANG? MAJU? NYANYI AYEUNA?) and for saying: yang penting kita memberi yang terbaik, geus we titik. :)

Pak Pujo for pijatan2 maut membangunkan the tiger in me, sampe bisa mengaum: BERRRRRRRAAWWWWWWALLLL DARIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!! For believe in me, for always support me, always..

Ibu Siti for those wise smile, dan jogetnya yang AMAZIIIIIINGGGG *tarik maaang!!!* makasih pinjaman sendalnya pas final bu, it means a lot !!! :D

Pak Sarwono, thank you... thank you... thank you... I can't say anything.. just thank you... like..a million. Thank you so so much.. for always always always BELIEVE IN ME (SUARA NENG GAK JELEK, NGGAK! NENG BISA KOK, BISA!) dan terima kasih untuk menggeplak tangan saya ketika saya ngambil terlalu banyak garam :D

Rommi for always support us with any kind of high tech thingy (maklum laahhh kami agak2 angkatan lawas... jadi suka lupa kalo teknologi itu eksis :D ) for those kind words, smile and and for being supportive, always.

Heri, for always saying: POWERNA KURANG TEHHH!!! KELUARKAAANNN!! KELUARKAAANNN!!!!! *alhamdulillah keluar pas final nya Her? :D*

Kang Ahmad for.. hahahhahahah teu bisa ngomong euy bisi dibejakeun kremian hahahhahahahhahaha

Kang Adi, for always makes us laugh, lipsticknya gak ketebelan kan cyyyyyyynn??

Pak Aan for always smile, for those laughter, for always being a kind person for us :)

Bu Yuli, for being SUHU for all of us :D

Bu Nelly, untuk ijinnya mengembalikan saya ke kontingen Jabar II :) nuhun bu...

Bu Yanti... for those kind wise words... for calling me to join the choir... for everything... for always saying: JUARA ITU WAJIB, TAPI SILATURAHMI JUGA PENTING.. ketanem di hati saya bu ... :)

Pak Rudi, for never give up on me... for always keep my spirit up high!!

Pak Andang, for those big big big.. huge support!!!

Bu Tita, *hugs* gak bisa ngomong... ngetik ini juga sambil mewek... nuhun bu Tita.. nuhun,.

Pak Totok Soebiyanto, we never met while we were rehearsing at your office Pak, but deep down I know, you support us all the way :)

Semua teman2 Yakes dan Dapentel (termasuk si mas2 yang selalu senyum di Kopeg Dapentel, yang slalu bilang: beli dua atuh bu, jangan satu)...thank you... thank you.. nuhun.. merci.. makasih banyak.. banyak2 makasih...

Temen2 di PINs/Pramindo Bandung yang selalu mendukung (nuhun Teddy!!), slalu sabar dan gak pernah marah2 kalo saya ijin2 latihan (maaf ya saya skip satu hari gak ngepel lantei dan nyapu, tapi kan yang penting menang hihihihi)

Semua keluarga Bumi Orange dan Margahayu, my very own angel: Nugraha Arief Ramdhani and Muhammad Hade Rizki Nugraha... I love you guys, I do, I do I do...

Semua jajaran TELKOMGroup, semua kontingen kemaren, karyawan Widyaloka II, Satpam2 di Telkom Corporate University... semua... semua... semua..

Nuhun... mercy... thank you..


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