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No, seriously, HOW?

Gue yang ga tau apa2 tentang manage diri sendiri ini bilang How?

No, seriously.. a lot has been going on since my last post

Like, A LOT

I won't go into my personal life, but something really worth reading for


Usually you will not know whether your leader is a good one or not

You will only know how to scam him, how to put a thousand curse on him

"Crazy man"

"He wants me to do everything, can't he see that I only have TWO HANDS??"

"I have to reach my target in freaking 1 MONTH???"

"I was having a bath!! How the hell I supposed to know that he was going to call me?? Do I have to start to take my cell phone to the bathroom??"

"I hope he's sick today"

Right? Tell me I'm right

I know I'm right

I used to be the one to tell the whole social media world all of those stuffs

I hate my boss

But when he left..

That's how I know

He has left a really really big whole that no one.. no one can ever fulfil..

NO ONE will ever be good enough for us

He is a shield that protects us from any trouble

He cares about us deeply

From our work to our personal life

He would defend us even if it will cause him another enemy because he knows we - his staffs - were right

He would always said:  let me do this, you handle your job and not to worry about anything, I will defend your project to the head office

He will put a silence to those whoever put us in any uncertain situation

He always go deep into detail

He thinks about 10 steps ahead, all the risks, all the possibilities ahead..

He anticipated everything, like.. everything

He would be very angry if we do not hear what he said, because what he said is 99% right

He would ask about every progress of every projects, he knows everything

He appreciate us, he gives us reward, sometimes punishments

He make a lot of long time and short time programs

He's super smart


Do all those things above

And you will be missed

So much

So much

Dear our good leader, thank you for everything..


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